Saturday, April 27, 2013

Stamp Club Class are now forming

Classes for my new stamp club are now forming I have some open spots, classes will beging in June possibly July. It is a commitment but you will have a chance to earn $25 of free products, each month we make 3 projects, we will meet on wednesday at 5pm once a month and best of all GREAT COMPANY.
Las clase de mi nuevo club de stamp(sello) se estan formando ahora, tengo espacio todavia. Las clases van a comenzar en Junio posiblemente Julio, es un compromiso, pero vas a tener la oportunidad de ganar $25 de productos(gratis), cada mes haremos 3 projectos, nos reuniremos los miércoles a las 5pm una vez al mes lo MEJOR de todo es la compañía.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stampin' Up! Retiring List 2013

Riting list for annual catalog june 1,2012 to may 31,2013

~Today Stampin' Up! Has release riting list for customers and demonstrators. Demonstrators will have a sneak peak and chance to pre-order from the new products for the 2013-2014 Annual Catalog.

~Retiring Stamps will be available through June 3. Stampin' Up! will continue to produce the stamps to meet the demand through that time.

~Retiring Accessories are available while supplies last. Selected items are up to 60%, 40% and 25% on select items, make sure to order your favorites quickly. Check frequently on what's still available.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April Showers Bring Spring Flowers

This year I was expecting my tulips to bloom just like they do every year but a few days a go I notice instead a daffodil bloom. Strange thing considering I never planted them but they sure are beautiful.
Cado año florecen mis tulipán(tulip) pero este año floreceron unas narciso(daffodil), una cosa muy extraño por nunca las plante pero muy lindas para mirar.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lego Fest/Kid Fest Louisville

I finally had some time to post picture of our wonderful trip to legofest/kidfest in louisville kentucky everything was made of legos. Here's my beautiful babydoll and my handsome son. Even thought we live 1hr away we stay at a hotel for th nigh and early swimming in the morning. Best of all we enjoy all this with my good freind lesley and her son noah the trip would not have been done if it wasnt for them.
Al fin tuve tiempo para poner fotos de legofest/kid fest in louisville kentucky, estaba a lo increible todo hecho de legos, mis chiquitos les encanto, aunque no mas vivimos una hora nos quedamos la noche en un hotel. Lo mas maximo que lo compartimos con mi amiga lesley y su hijo noah, todo esta no vera pasado si no fueran por ellos.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Frame dresses

Here's the frame I painted white, I changed the dresses and background, 2 of the dresses are fabric the other 2 are apaper. I will be offereing this class again next week april 10th.
Aqui esta el cuadro que pinte blanco, cambie los vesdiditos, 2 vesdidod son tela, 2 dos papel. Voy ofreceresta clase april 10.